Monday, 29 June 2015




They welcomed him, with open arms,

their brother in the spirit and the word,

it  is good to have someone of his color here

they thought, and thanked God.

He wanted to come and watch them pray

their hands folded in the lap

eyes closed, heads raised upwards,

the elderly and the young.

Hear them pray for the sick, the unemployed

the powerless, the weak,

in the middle of the week,

hear them sing

grateful and with all their being,

like they always sing in those Hollywood film renditions

of life on the wrong side of this land,

he wanted to feel whether his spirit is still lingering here

because just like him, he has a dream.

He despises the texture of their hair,

hates the dark hue of their skins,

loathes the white in their eyes,

detests the prayers of their native tongues.

He wanted to be their worst nightmare

his world is small, and uncomplicated

with easy words and phrases

he knows the grammar of hatred,

the eloquent figurative speech of superiority,

the rhetoric of the chosen race,

where everything  is neatly packaged

in black and white segments.

In between Biblical verse and prayer

he carefully selects the soon to be death:

one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine:

six women, three men.

He wanted to see how they pray for their daily bread:

with their open Bibles on the lap,

and blood, slowly dripping from the cross.



Thursday, 25 June 2015




Hulle verwelkom hom, hartlik,

medebroer in die gees en woord,

dis goed om iemand van sy kleur hier te hê,

dink hulle en dank die Vader,

hy wil kom kyk hoe hulle bid

die hande gevou in die skoot

die oë gesluit, opwaarts gerig.

Oues en jonges

hy wil hulle kom hoor bid vir die siekes en werkloses

die weerloses

in die middel van die week,

hy wil hulle hoor sing

uit volle bors, met oorgawe,

soos hulle altyd sing in Hollywoodfilmweergawes

van die lewe aan die anderkant van hierdie land.

Hy wil voel of sy gees nog hier is,

want net soos hy, het hy ‘n droom

hy walg  aan die tekstuur van hulle hare,

wrok vir die donkerte van hulle vel,

vervloek die wit van hul oë,

verag die gebede van hulle tonge.

Hy wil ‘n nagmerrie word

sy wêreld is klein, ongekompliseerd,

met maklike antwoorde,

hy ken die grammatika van haat,

die breedsprakige beeldspraak van meerderwaardigheid,

die retoriek van uitverkore ras,

alles, is netjies verpak,

in swart en wit.

Tussen teksverse, en onder gebed, kies hy

die dooies sorgvuldig uit:

een, twee, drie, vier, vyf, ses, sewe, agt, nege.

ses vroue, drie mans

hy wil kom kyk hoe hulle bid vir hul daaglikse brood

met Bybels op die skote oop

en hulle bloed wat teen ‘n kruis afloop.